
Testimony! (go back »)

August 4 2007, 9:07 PM

Ok i havent had this for a long time. But Ive never actually took the time to think and write down my testimony.  I hear about all these peoples lifes and wut theve been through with God and how they found him. But for me it isnt that drastic cuz frankily I dont remember much! But I will tell wut I have remembered!


So all of my life growing up Ive always had both my father and my mother, but not as much of my father as I would like. Yes he is a great wonderful man. But he wasnt around as much as I thought. Then out of no where I moved to Florida becuz my mom married this man Randy. I didnt want at all but I did cuz hello I was 7 and there is disney world! But then I didnt relize wut I was losing. I never relized that I was losing my whole family. And mostly my dad! All my life growing up I havnt always had a lot of friends. I have had aquaintences, but not real friends! And my dad he felt like more of a friend than a father and I loved it yet didnt love it at all!

Then one summer i went up to Michigan. And he gave up drinkin and smoking and everything that would bring him down. I was so proud, but had no clue why. We did always go to this chruch called Full Gospel Temple. But we never really made a big comitment. I also met this amazing girl named Darla. She was such an insperation! I saw both my dad and her and all the rest of the people just prasing Jesus but didnt know why and how can they do that if he isnt alive! I saw how thier lifes were so fullfilled and so filled with love. And I wanted that so much, but no matter how hard I tried to get thisI just couldnt have it.

Till one day, I was at a Newsboys concert at Kings Island. And I noticed everyone with there hands raised high. I said to myself Ive seen this and I know why they do it but Ive never done this. And I want to do this dont want to becuz wut if people stare at me and laugh or something. Than out of nowhere I started crying and crying and I just lifted my arms like nobodies business! And God said to me "Dont be afraid to worship, dont be afraid wut others think! I love you and who cares wut others say. As long as u know u love me back!" And I said "I do lord more than anything I just dont know wut to do." But he taught me. And  I looked over at my dad, and he was crying his eyes out, becuz he could tell Ive finally found God! And at that moment on he felt like more of a father to me then ever!

I havent been the same sense! Thanks to Darla and my dad I prolly would have found God but not as soon and not in the way I have! Thank You guys for helping me and teaching me so much!

And Thank You God for letting me into ur life and showing me how amazing u are! You have made my life so much better. I am so blessed to have you! And now I dont have to wonder becuz all of my questions Ive ever  have been answered!

Thank You!


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  • 16 years old


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