

The quest of Justin, the Kangaroo, and the Marry g

August 4 2007, 9:09 PM

The quest of Justin, the Kangaroo, and the Marry go round

Once upon a time there was this 16 year old boy named Justin Lee Walker. He really had a love for marry go rounds. So one day he woke up from a restless night and said"Hey lets got to the park!!!" So he and his best friend Ementi strolled down to the park. He got there and was so excited. He ran and skipped with joy to the marry go round. But when he got there his huge smile sadly turned into a frown. He noticed there was a kangaroo sitting on the ducky. Which was Justin's favorite. He asked politely "hello Mr. Kangaroo, will u be taking long? I really would like to ride this, because I had a really hard sleep last night! So please if u can, hurry! Thank You."

Well the kangaroo wasn't too thrilled with Justin's talking to him. So the kangaroo kept spinning around and said "Well whoever you are go fork yourself, because I'm just sitting here trying to enjoy my grape popsicle! So stop talking to me and go away."

Justin was really upset so he started to walk away. But then he jumped back and said "Mr. Kangaroo I don't know who u are but it's my turn motha!" So Justin challenged him to a teeter totter trick fight. With Ementi on the side lines cheering and screaming like the little girl he was, both Justin and the kangaroo were doing flips and jumps.

But then Justin out of nowhere came out with a double back flip. No one has every seen something this drastic ever in the history of teeter totter! But luckily he stook it! Ementi and three other old ladies were jumping in joy with there arms and flappy breasts waving in the air! The kangaroo knowing he couldn't do anything like that, he tried. But unlike Justin with his smooth moves, the kangaroo just fell right off the tetter and fell onto a rock. He wrecked his balls and could never have children again! So the kangaroo wobbled and cried all the way home! Justin and Ementi laughed and rode the marry go round all day and all night.

Because of Justin success he was the happiest boy you have ever seen!




The end


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August 4 2007, 9:07 PM

Ok i havent had this for a long time. But Ive never actually took the time to think and write down my testimony.  I hear about all these peoples lifes and wut theve been through with God and how they found him. But for me it isnt that drastic cuz frankily I dont remember much! But I will tell wut I have remembered!


So all of my life growing up Ive always had both my father and my mother, but not as much of my father as I would like. Yes he is a great wonderful man. But he wasnt around as much as I thought. Then out of no where I moved to Florida becuz my mom married this man Randy. I didnt want at all but I did cuz hello I was 7 and there is disney world! But then I didnt relize wut I was losing. I never relized that I was losing my whole family. And mostly my dad! All my life growing up I havnt always had a lot of friends. I have had aquaintences, but not real friends! And my dad he felt like more of a friend than a father and I loved it yet didnt love it at all!

Then one summer i went up to Michigan. And he gave up drinkin and smoking and everything that would bring him down. I was so proud, but had no clue why. We did always go to this chruch called Full Gospel Temple. But we never really made a big comitment. I also met this amazing girl named Darla. She was such an insperation! I saw both my dad and her and all the rest of the people just prasing Jesus but didnt know why and how can they do that if he isnt alive! I saw how thier lifes were so fullfilled and so filled with love. And I wanted that so much, but no matter how hard I tried to get thisI just couldnt have it.

Till one day, I was at a Newsboys concert at Kings Island. And I noticed everyone with there hands raised high. I said to myself Ive seen this and I know why they do it but Ive never done this. And I want to do this dont want to becuz wut if people stare at me and laugh or something. Than out of nowhere I started crying and crying and I just lifted my arms like nobodies business! And God said to me "Dont be afraid to worship, dont be afraid wut others think! I love you and who cares wut others say. As long as u know u love me back!" And I said "I do lord more than anything I just dont know wut to do." But he taught me. And  I looked over at my dad, and he was crying his eyes out, becuz he could tell Ive finally found God! And at that moment on he felt like more of a father to me then ever!

I havent been the same sense! Thanks to Darla and my dad I prolly would have found God but not as soon and not in the way I have! Thank You guys for helping me and teaching me so much!

And Thank You God for letting me into ur life and showing me how amazing u are! You have made my life so much better. I am so blessed to have you! And now I dont have to wonder becuz all of my questions Ive ever  have been answered!

Thank You!


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  • Female
  • 16 years old


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Last update Aug 4, 2007

